Saturday, March 15, 2008

It sure was Hail today

Have you ever been in a hail storm. We just had one here in Georgia. The diameter of the hail was about 1 inch or more and there was an inch on the ground....I mean covering everything. The hail was coming down with such speed that when it hit the ground it bounced up about 8 feet. I have never seen anything like it. My poor ficus trees were outside and took a beating but they will survive. They have learned to be tough.

It looks like we had snow here on March 15.

Look at the size of this thing!!!


monica said...

It has been a while since we have had a hail storm with hail that big, but we get them pretty frequently here in the spring and fall. Your Iris look like they survived the beating.

Anonymous said...

We did have a wild hail storm this past Fall. It dented my neighbor's car hood.

Weather is not interesting and fun's frightening!

Anonymous said...

Seen some bad hail storms but not sure I've been in one that bad. We've had snow in England too over the Easter weekend. Not were we live though. Snow is very rare here especially this time of year.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is amazing! I have seen a lot but never hail that big. The weather has certainly been strange all over.